Top 10 "Out of The World" "Star Wars" Pet kostimi

Top 10 "Out of The World" "Star Wars" Pet kostimi
Top 10 "Out of The World" "Star Wars" Pet kostimi

Ne glede na to, ali ste navdušeni nad to multi-MULTI filmsko franšizo, moraš priznati eno stvar - Furrce je s temi malčki zagotovo močan.


1. BB8 kat

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

2. Stormtrooper Dog

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

3. Chewbacca pes

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

4. Joda psa

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

5. Leia Cat

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

6. Ewok psi

Credit: Retroist
Credit: Retroist

7. Leia psa

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

8. Pilotni pes X-Wing

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

9. Pas R2-D2

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

10. Bantha Dog
